Plant the Seed Expands Educational Gardens in Nashville Schools
In August 2024, Farm Credit Mid-America partnered with Plant the Seed to build a new garden at Thomas Edison Elementary in Antioch. The partnership, which began during Nashville’s Earth Day celebration, brings hands-on gardening and agricultural education to children in food-insecure communities. Learn more about how this collaboration inspires youth and secures the future of agriculture.

Plant the Seed Wins $49,500 USDA Grant To Bring More Garden Education to Nashville Pre-K Students
Plant the Seed has been awarded a $49,500 USDA Food and Nutrition Service Farm to School Turnkey Grant for FY 2021. Only two organizations in the state received this annual award. This funding will allow Plant the Seed to expand and enhance its programming to serve as many as 600 pre-K students weekly at Cambridge...

Exciting New Ways to Support Our Work
Support businesses who support Plant the Seed… There are two great ways this week to dine and drink to support our work. Stop by Mitchell Delicatessen on Wednesday, April 28; all day they will be donating 20% of their sales to support our work of garden education throughout Nashville. Celebrate this pretty weather on the...

Meet Kaitlyn Payne, Program Coordinator
What brought you to Plant the Seed? I heard about Plant the Seed through a family member! She heard that they were hiring, and thought I would be a great fit for the organization. After reading on the website about the mission and vision of Plant the Seed, I couldn’t have agreed more. I applied...

Meet Jasmine Lucas, Communications & Community Engagement Coordinator AmeriCorps Member
What brought you to Plant the Seed? During my last AmeriCorps term Plant the Seed’s founder, Susannah, came to speak at one of our AmeriCorps trainings. I was taken aback by the organization’s mission, their influence on the community and their unique team-oriented atmosphere. After finishing my AmeriCorps term with Hands On Nashville last August,...

Growing Together in Solidarity with Black Lives
Food “allows the sick ones a chance of healing, the silent ones a chance to speak, the unlearned ones a chance to learn, and the dying ones a chance to live.” Fannie Lou HamerCivil Rights Activist Plant the Seed would like to formally recognize that food insecurity in low-income and predominantly Black communities is not...

Meet Lily Sronkoski, Garden Programming and Partnerships Coordinator AmeriCorps Member
What brought you to Plant the Seed? Having already completed one year of service with Americorps in the realm of education, I was interested in pursuing something that was a little closer to my background in environmental studies, but still education oriented. I found the position while living in Milwaukee, WI and applied pretty quickly....

Meet Jessa Tremblay, Garden Programming and Partnerships Coordinator AmeriCorps Member
What brought you to Plant the Seed? At the beginning of 2019 I started working on my Masters in Sustainability. I really wanted to find a job where I could transition more into that world while giving back to the community. This position presented itself to me and I thought it sounded like the perfect...

Growing to Survive
We’re growing a lot of food, vegetables, and I’m not worried. I’m going to start planting and growing and growing to survive. Ruhel Islam Fighting food insecurity through empowering future generations to take charge in the garden is one of the keys our organization is humbled to wield in rectifying racial injustice in our own...

Meet Avi Katzman, Curriculum Development Manager
What brought you to Plant the Seed? I learned about Plant the Seed from a dear friend and immediately fell in love with the mission after reading about the work. It felt very aligned with the work I had previously been doing at a farm-to-table Jewish summer camp in New York State and was itching...