What brought you to Plant the Seed?
During my last AmeriCorps term Plant the Seed’s founder, Susannah, came to speak at one of our AmeriCorps trainings. I was taken aback by the organization’s mission, their influence on the community and their unique team-oriented atmosphere. After finishing my AmeriCorps term with Hands On Nashville last August, I wanted to continue serving the local nonprofit community, so I applied for an AmeriCorps position in Communications with Plant the Seed.
If you could have any superpower what would it be, and why?
It would be the power to speak any language, sort of like Eliza in The Wild Thornberrys. I always envied Eliza’s gift as a kid, and it was part of why I jumped into learning so many different languages in school and on my own. It would be an absolute dream to be able to travel anywhere and be able to converse with anyone on a native level. Bringing people together despite their differences is my specialty.
What is your favorite band/genre of music?
I love listening to folk indie music. Currently, Hozier is my go-to for #goodvibes.
What is one goal you want to complete in the next 10 years?
I want to publish a memoir of my twenties in the form of prose and poetry. I was inspired while taking a poetry writing class in university where we read the work of Molly Brodak and her memoir. The poet visited our campus and we were able to have a Q&A with her about the writing and editing process. It was inspiring to me the way she went against the norm during the entire process of writing and working with her editor.