What brought you to Plant the Seed?
I heard about Plant the Seed through a family member! She heard that they were hiring, and thought I would be a great fit for the organization. After reading on the website about the mission and vision of Plant the Seed, I couldn’t have agreed more. I applied for the position, and thankfully was hired!
If you could have any superpower what would it be, and why?
Definitely would be the power of flight! I would love the ability to go anywhere and everywhere quickly and without a second thought.
What is your favorite band/genre of music?
I like a little bit of music from every genre. There’s not necessarily one that’s my favorite, it really just depends 100% on my mood for what I am listening to!
What is one goal you want to complete in the next 10 years?
One goal I want to complete in the next 10 years is taking my parents to Europe. They have never been outside of the country, and always have wanted to go to Italy, Ireland, and Spain. I would love to take them there and be able to experience that kind of adventure with them!